
Administras a Usuarios
Inventario y gasto base
- Users management.
- Customers
- Operators
- Units
- Inventory and basic expense

Expenses Control
Asocia datos del viaje, el tipo de unidad, origen-destino, datos del cliente y gasto real por viaje
Liquidación del viaje
Gastos asociados al viaje
- Associates travel data, unit type, origin-destination, customer data and trip real expenses
- Trip payment
- Trip associated expenses

Crea cotizaciones para clientes
Aprobación de cotización para programar viajes
Tarifa calculada, aprobada y por facturar
- Creates quotes for clients
- Calculated rate, approved and to be billed
- Rate calculated, approved and ready to be billed

Control de las unidades en ruta
Control de entregas y regreso de unidades a patios
Salidas programadas
Disponibilidad de unidades para asignar viajes
- Units control on route
- Deliveries control and units return to patios
- Scheduled departures
- Units’ availability to assign trips

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Rentabilidad por unidad
Alertas de facturas por vencer y vencidas
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
- Maintenance
- Spent
- Unit profitability
- Alerts for due and overdue bills

Administra mantenimiento correctivo y preventivo
Control de refacciones
Costos de viaje
Comprobación de gastos
- Creates clients’ quotes
- Quotation approval to trip schedule
- Rate calculated, approved and to be billed
Our carrier tool will allow you to track and trace your distribution routes in real time.

Zero devices investment!
- Barcode and QR Reading.
- Photographic evidence capture.
- Real time units’ location.
- Waze™ or Google Maps™ destination guides.
- Push notifications for new tasks or destinations.
- Private communication via internal chat.

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Reverse Logistics, Its Benefits
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Contact Us
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Convento de Acolman 7
Jardines de Santa Mónica
Tlalnepantla, México, 54050
T: +52 55 4444-3166